With Jean-Philippe Bouchaud.
For the fifth episode of Seeking Risk: The Fab Rick Show, Rick is joined by Jean-Philippe Bouchaud. The discussion extends from estimating correlation and volatility to generating scenarios, using agent-based models, and the risk of lost decades.
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud's expertise combines physics and finance, often coined econophysics. Between chairman of Capital Fund Management, member of The French Academy of Science, and Professor of Physics at ENS Paris, Bouchaud is knowledgeable on complex systems. Bouchaud's proficient study of complex systems proves interesting when applied to the financial market.
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APR 18, 2023
Portfolio Design for individuals and institutions
Join Rick Bookstaber and Tim Kochis as his guest as they discuss timeframes for individuals versus institutions, static risk tolerance questionnaires, and how to rehearse for bad events.
MAR 14, 2023
The Train to Financial Independence
On the second episode of Seeking Risk: The Fab Rick Show, Rick is joined by Jacob Tamme. They discuss Jacob’s NFL background, the risk narrative and Jacob’s advisory approach.
MAY 15, 2023
The Non-consensus View
Rick is joined by Meb Faber and Govinda Quish to discuss their expertise on a broad range of insights in the investment and wealth management space.
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